International Copper Association Australia

Copper Cages For Taiwan Aquaculture?

Copper alloy cage technology was on show at the recent Taiwan International Fisheries and Seafood Show in Taiwan.

The Taiwan International Fisheries and Seafood Show is South East Asia’s leading fishing industry expo.

Covering fishery equipment & technology, aquaculture, processing equipment & technology, seafood, and marine biotechnology, the show is also a regional platform for business matchmaking program, hosted buyers program, factory visit, international conferences and new product workshops.

International Copper Association Korea was on hand to outline Korea’s growing experience with copper alloy aquaculture cages.

ICA Korea Project Manager, Mr. Chris Lee ran a workshop for over one hundred people, outlining the challenges of global fishing industry where ‘wild catching’ no longer meets the world’s needs for seafood.

“The world will need 20,000 new aquaculture cages or ponds per year to meet the rising demand for seafood,” Chris said. “Copper alloy mesh is an ideal equipment for offshore aquaculture cages and has proven effective in preventing bio-fouling.”

“As a result, South Korea’s Ministry of Fisheries are making a major effort to assist fishermen in setting up submersible copper alloy cages to enhance Korea’s fisheries technology and global competitiveness.”

Taiwan Yuan-Hsian Metal Industrial Corp. gave the expo audience a closer look at the copper cages, displaying their latest copper alloy mesh and attracting many domestic/foreign buyers and government agencies’ attention and discussion.

According to the Taiwan External Trade Development Council, the Taiwan fisheries industry is rapidly changing. From an initial focus on catching capacity, its focus is now on sustainable fishery resources development and efficiency of aquaculture and copper alloy cage perfectly fits the trend.

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