International Copper Association Australia

Hospital Shows How To Fight Bugs With Copper

A U.S. hospital loves its Antimicrobial Copper surfaces so much they made a movie about them.

Grinnell Regional Medical Center, Iowa’s largest hospital serving 40,000 residents, has been installing antimicrobial copper touch surfaces to actively fight germs and stop the spread of infections between patients, staff and visitors.

But they’ve been so impressed with the results they made two videos about the project in order to educate hospital executives and their staff on the benefits and ease of installing antimicrobial copper components.

You can find them here—Installing Antimicrobial Copper Components and Cleaning and Maintaining Antimicrobial Copper Surfaces

“A wonderful thing about copper is it’s doing its job to kill bacteria 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and so at the end of the day when I go home, I know we’ve got a new ally for fighting the potential for infection in our hospital, and that makes me feel great,” Todd Linden, CEO of Grinnell, said.

Even in the most proactive hospitals bacteria can survive on surfaces for weeks and even months, but Antimicrobial Copper surfaces kill bugs rapidly on contact, helping to cut infection rates by over half in studies to date.

“I think hospital staff have been very impressed by antimicrobial copper’s beauty and ease of maintenance, which is one of the reasons hospitals across North America have begun installing this scientifically proven bacteria killing metal,” Adam Estelle, a project engineer with the International Copper Association in the U.S. said.

More on Antimicrobial Copper:

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