International Copper Association Australia

Exploring Waste To Value

Four teams experimenting with extracting value from waste have joined the OZ Minerals’ Think & Act Differently (TAD) incubator aiming to reimagine mining and processing.

The Waste to Value Challenge, invited innovators from around the world to propose an approach that reimagines mining and processing to minimise, eliminate and find value in waste. Oz Minerals received 37 submissions for the Challenge from innovators around the world.

The challenge was supported by Amira Global and the International Copper Association Australia, who share OZ Minerals’ aspiration to consume and produce in a way that generates zero emissions and waste. The focus was on emerging technologies or processes to help the industry minimise waste rock, reduce the production of tailings, including conserving water, and look at ways to generate value from waste rock and tailings.

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The industry has significant long-term waste and tailings projects running across the world. This challenge is complementary but quite different, with ideas being unlocked or partially investigated through short experiments and collaborations. Luke Berry is taking part in a cohort for the second time after being part of our Ingenious Extraction cohort last year.

The Think & Act Differently incubator program is a supportive environment that includes funding, mentoring, opportunities for collaboration, capability uplift and exposure to mining operations. TAD is developing concepts for alternative ways resources or mines may be developed.

Think & Act Differently

If the modern mine can be imagined, it can be created. Think & Act Differently (TAD), powered by OZ Minerals, is building an ecosystem of the curious who are exploring and accelerating themes that prioritise social and environmental responsibility for the development of the modern mine. Central to its success is the active participation of a network of people from across multiple industries, organisations, community groups, governments, research organisations and others who want to play a role in solving complex challenges.


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