International Copper Association Australia

NSW $750M Green Mining Plan

Mining in New South Wales—Australia’sbiggest economy—looks set to benefit from a $750M plan to cut carbon emissions by just over a third by 2030.

The new money was announced this week by NSW Environment Minister, Matt Kean, who said he wanted to deliver a “clean industrial revolution”.

The money will be spent over the next 9 years to identify new green energy technologies, set up low carbon industries and refit existing ones to curb emissions. 

And that’s where miners—and copper miners in particular—come in. Well I certainly hope so seeing we already have the Zero Emissions project underway nationally.

NSW is pursuing a target of net zero emissions by 2050, but a target they say has to make sure it grows and doesn’t harm the economy, business and jobs. Copper miners would agree with that.

About half the money will go to helping industries cut their carbon footprint, but around $195M will go to identifying new green technologies. They want this to help create a decarbonisation innovation hub.

It’s exactly in line with the copper industry’s vision to achieve the Zero Emissions Mine of the Future. We have already kicked off the first deep dive into mining and water, with government & mining companies as partners to help us get there.

We now plan to talk to the NSW Government to see how both our plans and vision can align to the benefit of everyone in the state. We are also talking to other states & territories about the plans—-and of course the Feds who are also contributing to the NSW plan. 

More detail:

Cheers, John Fennell

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