International Copper Association Australia

All Change On Climate

A new roadmap by the Climate Council makes a lot of sense.

But in any shift on energy policy we still need to keep an eye on the bottom line.

The ‘Roadmap To A Renewable Future’ sets out ways we can cut greenhouse gas pollution while continuing to embrace affordable and reliable clean energy as well as storage.

It also calls for a minimum 50-70% renewable energy target across Australia by 2030.

Cleaner electricity is the big push here. As it says “slashing carbon pollution from the electricity sector by 60% by 2030”.

Sensibly it acknowledges that we need “to encourage investment in new clean power supply”-something Australia hasn’t always fostered as well as it could. Breakthroughs in technology are often key to making new energy affordable and achievable.

But the crucial factor in our inevitable move to a glittering clean energy future is how much it costs industry and consumers.

New energy policies, no matter how laudable, will only become reality if we make change easy and acceptable to the market and community.

That means taking everyone along with sensible policy, achievable targets, shared costs, transparent research and trials, and constant consultation.

We all have a price to pay when it comes to battling climate change and carbon pollution. Lets make it as fair and affordable as possible.



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