International Copper Association Australia

Aussie Copper Surface Kills Bacteria “Superfast”

Australian researchers have developed a copper surface that kills bacteria 100 times faster than normal copper.

Collaboration between RMIT University and the country’s top science organisation, CSIRO, created a new copper product full of tiny microscale and nanoscale cavities on its surface.

“When we placed golden staph bacteria on our specially-designed copper surface, it destroyed more than 99.99% of the cells in just two minutes,” RMIT University’s Distinguished Professor Ma Qian said. “So not only is it more effective, it’s 120 times faster.”

The team is now looking to investigate the enhanced copper’s effectiveness against SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, including assessing 3D-printed samples.

Copper has long been used to fight different strains of bacteria and virus, but this latest breakthrough is part of global attempts to quicken the process up.

With more work the team said there could be a huge range of applications for the new material, including antimicrobial doorhandles and other touch surfaces in schools, hospitals, homes and public transport, as well as filters in antimicrobial respirators or air ventilation systems, and in face masks.

Drug-resistant infections are on the rise, but new antibiotics aren’t. This new copper product offers a promising and affordable option to fighting superbugs.

CSIRO Media release:

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