International Copper Association Australia

Building With New Copper

The U.S. has just recognised 8 new buildings as standouts for their use of copper and copper alloys, part of the yearly North American Copper in Architecture Awards.

The 2020 prize winners are a varied lot, ranging across commercial, residential, institutional and government buildings right across the country. They include the Cascade country court house, a private home in Ottawa, a new home for Memphis ballet and the Dallas Holocaust and Human Rights Museum.

Launched in 2008, the North American Copper in Architecture Awards—or NACIA for short—awards program recognises copper’s versatile use in building construction, architectural expression and interior design, and promotes its innovative application.

The winners were selected by leading experts in the use of copper in architecture based on the use of copper and technique throughout the project, the quality of copper installation and function, and when applicable, the significance of the project at hand – whether historic, modern, or otherwise.

As one of the judges said: “The 2020 winners demonstrate the versatility and great natural beauty of copper, and showcase the skill and vision of their installers and specifiers in bringing these designs to fruition.”


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