International Copper Association Australia

Chile Uses Copper To Fight Pandemic

The world’s biggest copper producer is using nanoparticles of the red metal to help it fight the spread of the virus reports Bloomberg.

Santiago-based company Aintech says its products are the first to make use of copper nanoparticles in disinfectants to kill and prevent viruses and bacteria on surfaces. 

One product is an alcohol spray that can be used on shoes or face masks. The other is for hard surfaces whose effects the company says stay effective for a week.

Copper’s antimicrobial reputation is already well known. But its been given a big boost following recent US research showing Covid-19 lasts for roughly 4 hours on copper but up to 3 days on plastic or stainless steel.

Copper is now used to coat everything from gym equipment to cages at salmon farms. Chilean copper producer Codelco has promoted using the metal in hospitals, airports and even socks.

Aintech’s customers include the Santiago bus system, a local football club and the country’s second-largest copper mine, Collahuasi. Mining Minister Baldo Prokurica has jumped on board, using the products to clean his offices.

While the company has plans to sell its cleaning products abroad, for now they are only being used in Chile where the Institute of Public Health has approved the product and is processing its registration.

Antimicrobial copper expert & professor at the Medical University of South Carolina, Dr. Michael G. Schmidt, has warned however that an international roll-out may encounter wariness by regulators given little is known about the long-term health consequences of people breathing in nanoparticles. 




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