International Copper Association Australia

Copper Hope For Lou Gehrig’s Disease

A new copper compound by U.S. researchers has shown promise in slowing the disease in mice.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)-or Lou Gehrig’s disease-is caused by the deterioration and death of motor neurons in the spinal cord. It is progressive, debilitating and fatal.
U.S. scientists have developed an approach to treating ALS that’s based on using copper-ATSM to deliver copper to specific cells in the spinal cord. 
Copper is a metal that helps stabilize the SOD protein and can also help improve mitochondria weakened by the disease.
The entire human body contains only about 100 milligrams of copper, the equivalent of 5 millimeters of household wiring.
“The damage from ALS is happening primarily in the spinal cord, one of the most difficult places in the body to absorb copper,” said Professor Joe Beckman at Oregon State University.
“The therapy we’re working toward delivers copper selectively into the cells in the spinal cord that actually need it. Otherwise, the compound keeps copper inert,” he said.
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