International Copper Association Australia

Copper Substitution Stays Low

Substitution of copper remained very low during 2019 says a new study, with the impact less than 1% across the whole of the global copper demand market.

Commissioned by the International Copper Association (ICA)-and undertaken by DMM Advisory Group-the study showed net material substitution standing at just 244KT.

The research showed that new trends, such as the drive for increased energy efficiency and advanced technologies in electric motors, give copper a market advantage, especially where conductivity, heat and corrosion resistance are required. 

Miniaturization of select copper products increased slightly in 2019. The increase in miniaturization is led by new motor designs, smaller diameter copper tubes and material reduction in copper-rolled products (plate, sheet, strip and foil) and alloy products.

China, the largest market for copper, has the lowest relative net substitution across the world at 0.5% of total copper use, while Latin America had the highest rate.


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