International Copper Association Australia

First Miner Gets Responsible ‘Copper Mark’

Rio Tinto’s Kennecott site in the US is the first producer to be awarded the Copper Mark, the copper industry’s new independently assessed responsible production program.

The Kennecott operation in Utah has demonstrated it meets over 30 criteria for responsible environmental, social and governance practices.

The Copper Mark is the first and only program for responsible production in the copper industry. Originally developed by the International Copper Association with input from a broad range of stakeholders including customers, NGOs and producers, the Copper Mark is now an independent entity with a multi-stakeholder council.

Rio Tinto Copper & Diamonds chief executive Arnaud Soirat said, “We are proud to lead the copper industry in being awarded the Copper Mark, demonstrating our commitment to responsible production and transparency.

“The Copper Mark allows our customers to purchase copper from operations that have been independently assessed as meeting the highest environmental, social and governance standards, responding to the growing expectations of consumers around the world for sustainable supply chains.”

“We congratulate Rio Tinto’s Kennecott site and the leadership they are taking to mine responsibly,” International Copper Association Australia CEO, John Fennell, said. “We now hope more producers here in the Asia Pacific will follow Rio Tinto’s lead and apply for the Copper Mark.”

For more detail, click here 

For more information about Copper Mark, click here

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