International Copper Association Australia

John Fennell Speaks At IMARC 2022

The International Mining and Resources Conference—IMARC—took place in Sydney on November 2-4 and John Fennell was there to highlight the future of copper.

Shaun Fox of Foxi Media caught up with John on the conference floor to interview him about why copper is the metal of the moment and how innovation, sustainability and climate goals are re-shaping how mining companies will do business going forward. 

John highlights how crucial copper is to the world’s rapid electrification as the globe pursues de-carbonisation through clean energy, electric vehicles, energy efficient appliances and smart homes.

Key to that will be zero emission copper mines, a particular passion of John’s. 

For the past three years John has led a broad consortium across the copper industry, government, private industry and university & research organisations to explore technologies that will allow copper miners to implement emission free mining.

Three ‘deep tech dive’ reports have now been developed including in depth studies of water and materials movement, and with minerals processing & ventilation due in 2023.  



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