Heat exchangers using smaller diameter copper tubing are energy smart and finding all sorts of new uses.
“Not many years ago, there were just a handful of smaller diameter copper tube applications, but that is no longer the case,” says Avinash Khemka from International Copper Association India.
“Smaller Diameter Copper Tube heat exchangers enable high efficiency to be realised in diverse and dissimilar products, from cold vending machines and cold display cases to clothes drying heat pumps and mobile refrigeration systems,” he said in a recent article in Cooling India Magazine.
Smaller Diameter Inner-Grooved Copper Tubes technology is expanding into all sizes of heat exchanger coils from small to very large.
Smaller-diameter copper tubes can be found in a myriad of products, with tube lengths ranging from a few inches to several metres; and capacities ranging from hundreds of watts to hundreds of kilowatts.”
Full article: http://coolingindia.in/blog/post/id/13023/smaller-diameter-copper-tubes