International Copper Association Australia

The Copper Engine

Both ICA China and ICA India are not only helping to boost production of energy efficient, copper rotor motors, but making sure innovation, standards and marketing also improve.

The International Copper Association took a leading role in helping to develop energy efficient Copper Rotor motors for world markets. In China and India the ICA is continuing to help grow markets, push innovation, boost research, grow energy efficiency standards and promote the motors more broadly.


ICA China attended the Sino German economic and technical forum to introduce copper rotor motors. This high level meeting attracted over 300 representatives from government, industry and commerce, including Chinese Premier Dr. Li Keqiang and Germany Premier Dr. Angela Merkel.

ICA China organized the recent Electric Vehicle Driven Motor Standard Group Meeting with over 80 representatives from industry, government and academia.  The Electric Vehicle Driven Motor Standard Group represents leading domestic major vehicle production enterprises, driving system and system component suppliers, and representatives of testing institutions.

ICA China led a field study to Yunnan copper die-casting technology Co., Ltd and the opening of the Electric Motor Driven Motor Technical Seminar with over 30 representatives from China’s auto, technology, standards and science sectors.


ICA India is helping to undertake a pilot project to replace 5000 older engines in 2 states over 3 months with energy efficient copper based motors.

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