International Copper Association Australia

What’s Most Important To Australian Cablers?

Registered Cablers recently did a small survey of Aussie Cablers to find out what they’re most concerned about and what they’d like to know more about. It proved very interesting.

We asked 2 big questions. First we asked Cablers to rate 10 topics they’d be interested in learning more about, ranging from the AS/CA S009 Standard to things like Deploying Wireless Properly, Infrastructure for the Internet of Things, Risk Mitigation (or “Covering Your Butt”) & HDBaseT amongst others. 

We asked interested Cablers how interested they were in each topic and the AS/CA S009 Standard stood out. Which is why it will be the first of our series of free Webinars for Cablers we’ll run this year and we’re calling this one “The Importance of Applying S009 and adhering to its Guidelines” set for August 8.

The other big question we asked was what topics you, the Cabler, are most concerned about. A lot, it seems, from the responses we got and its clear there’s some frustration in the industry these days.

One of the biggest was the quality of cabling work being done by so-called “cowboys” as well as electricians. Obviously some people are working out there without a cabler registration and it is up to all of us to report such instances to your customer and completing the TCA 1 or making sure the information required by the TCA-1 form is included in your invoice.

Another major bug bear is the NBN it seems and there were requests to do a Webinar on it too. One issue that seems to irk many of you is around the NBN equipment you need to alter & the accompanying document from the NBN. By the way it is worth having a copy and reading it. (Just search for Authority to Alter nbn and you will find it).

The lack of auditing undertaken by the ACMA was also raised a bit. This is a standing agenda item for all registrars and the International Copper Association Australia, but it’s has been a hard nut to crack. What we need is more complaints from the public, so if you see bad work, tell your customers to report it to the ACMA.

Digital media on coax also featured, particularly installing cabling to AS/NZS 14763 part 2 of a customer’s premises and overlaying remote power. This then overlaps PoE which brings in heat rise in cable and the derating of cabling system under remote power.

There were other issues you raised—fibre was also important—but now we’ve started talking they can all be handled in our series of Webinars. We hope to see you online soon on our zoom. 

For now, click here and register for our first webinar The Importance of Applying S009 and adhering to its Guidelines on the 8th of August at 7am and register. Once you have registered we shall send you a link to the webinar.

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