International Copper Association Australia

Copper to the World

International leaders in copper mining, services and technology will gather in Adelaide in June for the ‘Copper to the World’ conference.

Now in its third year, ‘Copper to the World’ has become Australia’s leading networking and knowledge-sharing platform for the global copper sector.

The conference, organised by the South Australian Government will focus on themes critical to the development of copper and around the world.  Topics span international perspectives and market outlook; using technology to boost efficiency; how innovation and engagement are critical in 21st-century operations and how data, technology and science will determine the path of future exploration and discovery

The technical strides copper companies are making to underpin productivity and performance will feature in a panel hosted by John Fennell of the International Copper Association.

Technology leaders from Anglo American, OZ Minerals, BHP and Newcrest Mining, will share the many ways they are working to improve their sustainability and environmental footprint, run safer mines for workers and benefit from data analytics, robotics and artificial intelligence.

Highlights include CRU’s principal copper analyst in Chile, Erik Heimlich, who will overview the international outlook for copper, joined by international leaders.

Catering for audience interest in copper processing, mining industry leader, Terry Burgess will lead a thought-provoking discussion on the challenges and opportunities for a common use copper smelter informed by an esteemed panel.

On the ever-pressing issue of discovering the next resource, Unearthed’s Holly Bridgwater, a transformational leader with a passion for disruption will speak to New frontiers in mining data.  Final session speakers also include MinEx CRC’s Chief Executive Andrew Bailey.

Attendees in 2017 and 2018 reported benefits extending beyond information about the latest business models and technology. They took home with them invaluable information about where to look next for the systems and practices that will drive innovation and growth for the next 15 to 25 years.

This year’s conference will be no different. The program focuses on international experience and perspectives, innovation and engagement, and how miners can capitalise on trends for future growth. Attendees can expect to make connections, share technical insights, and understand what economic factors within and outside the copper sector are influencing business.

New to 2019 will be masterclasses on Engaging Aboriginal contractors in mining operations, conveniently held prior to the conference.

To View Program and Register for the conference:

Read John Fennell’s feature in Australian Mining:

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