International Copper Association Australia

Copper’s Green Agenda

There seems to be a spirit of innovation happening around copper these days. Both in terms of exploration and production.

That was the theme of South Australia’s Copper To The World conference last year and I expect it’ll be much the same for the next one in June.

We had some interesting projects out of Chile last year, but a new one from Anglo American could be a game changer. They are generating solar energy from the dams that hold the liquid waste from their copper-mining operations.

Calling it a world first, the company has installed 256 photovoltaic panels at the tailings dam for its Los Bronces complex in Chile. The panels are floating atop the sometimes-toxic ground minerals and effluents blasted out of rocks dug up at the mine.

The pilot project was expected to generate 150,000 kilowatt-hours a year and help power the operations there.

That may not be a ton of electricity so far, but it has huge potential as Chile-the world’s largest copper producer-starts tackling waste in greener, smarter ways.

That’s absolutely imperative if we are to have clean, safe mines. And meet the increasingly higher standards when it comes to license to operate that regulators and communities now demand.

The solar panels have been built tough to withstand conditions at Los Bronces, but also aid in water recovery rates by reducing evaporation by 80%.  Recycled water at the mine makes up about 45% of total water demand.

Officials said that if the test is successful, the US$250,000 plant could be expanded to cover 40 hectares, or nearly 100 acres.

It’s an inspiring story. There’s plenty more like it happening in the copper industry globally and I want to promote them in the lead up the next SA conference. I hope to see you there.


John Fennell

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