International Copper Association Australia

Copper—The Pathway to Net Zero: Brisbane June 27

International Copper Association Australia (ICAA) CEO, John Fennell, spoke about the Australian copper industry’s own Zero Emissions Mining journey at the World Mining Congress (WMC) in Brisbane in June.

While outlining the series of three technology roadmaps into sustainable copper mining ICAA has launched since 2020, John also highlighted the planned launch of the Collaborative Impact Platform with AMIRA Global, a world first open access and collaborative research exchange.

The side event to the WMC brought together international and Australian experts to showcase the latest efforts to decarbonise copper mining through multi-stakeholder partnerships and collaboration, and to explore the challenges of getting there.

Hosted by the International Copper Association (ICA), International Copper Association Australia (ICAA), Amira Global and Australian Innovation eXchange (AIX), this breakout event brings together industry experts, policy-makers, innovators and academics dedicated to next generation mining.

Benard Respaut from the International Copper Association will outline “Copper—The Pathway to Net Zero”, an ambitious global roadmap to enable the copper industry to achieve net zero emissions by 2050.

A multi-stakeholder panel discussion also followed moderated by Clare Larkin-Sykes, LarkinSykes Advisory.  The panel included leading innovation experts, including Amira Global CEO, Dr Jacqui Coombes, Australian Innovation eXchange CEO, Russell Merz, Professor Peter Knights, Discipline Lead for Mining Engineering with the School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering at the University of Queensland, and Alvaro Baeza, Decarbonisation Manager for Glencore Copper Assets. 



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